Хм. 90% эпизода смотрела с ощущением, что это pretty much a disaster. Последние несколько минут, конечно, в какой-то степени redeem... Но, но, но.
А предыдущий так и не отрецензила как хотела - 2 раза пропадала загруженная серия ввиду форс-мажорных обстоятельств. На третий раз нервов не хватило.
Random notesdon't like the little girl's acting
where did Melly's big clicheed luuuuv come from?
Did Topher do a good deed? Selflessly? Interesting.
Melly, suicidal? C'mon!
Ballard following Melly - so freakin' easy
funny dialogue about the invisible building
Topher is pretty freaked out by Dominic in Victor's body
Whiskey - 100% Saunders is a doll
didn't get the 'think of yourself as the prince' thing
Alpha - why the wacky act? plus how? and why the whole thing? first impression - Tudyk does what he does best
telephone out of fridge ![:)](http://static.diary.ru/picture/3.gif)
funny about medicinal carrots
ooooh, the Center! in Tuscon. Where the hell's that?
'I heart my porn' ![:D](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1131.gif)
does being a designer automatickally mean hacker?
so freaking easy to take a stroll around a place with allegedly high security
i get the dramatic license thing, but it's getting annoying that they always use the same actives for internal missions, or that Ballard immediately finds the chamber where 'our' lot sleep
alpha is alone at the computer - why is he still acting?
why is Boyd the only one fighting Ballard?
buff Tudyk! + nice surprise
creepy love story, awww
cool cliffhanger, love Echo being one of the baddies. sorta