You see, I'm a *mature* crazy person
God, i'm such a nerrrrrrd!!!! Who knew? I should have. How is it that Public Enemies leaves me cold, while Star Trek makes me go "Yeeehaaaa!"? What is it in shiny spaceships and cheesy uniforms that gets me? Why am I willing to forgive the hokey plot and swoon over some shaved-eyebrows elf-ears guy?
Because i'm such a nerrrrrd!!!! Duh.
Ok, seriously now.
It's like Transformers for nerds. It's flashy, it's glamourousy, sometimes it's cheesy. It VZZZZMs and BAMs and yet - it's got humour. And shaved-eyebrows elf-ears people. In fact, it reminds me of the first Star Wars movie. Da Hero looks remarkably similar too.
I'm told the actors are very good at imitating the old ones - not taking anybody's word for it, being the nerd that I am. Stay tuned for the first Star Trek movie review. That will also be the first time i'll see the original crew live.
Oh, and one more thing. The cast. I think it won't be an exaggeration to say i knew every damn face there except for the Kirk guy. Hell of a small-timers cast!
Because i'm such a nerrrrrd!!!! Duh.
Ok, seriously now.
It's like Transformers for nerds. It's flashy, it's glamourousy, sometimes it's cheesy. It VZZZZMs and BAMs and yet - it's got humour. And shaved-eyebrows elf-ears people. In fact, it reminds me of the first Star Wars movie. Da Hero looks remarkably similar too.
I'm told the actors are very good at imitating the old ones - not taking anybody's word for it, being the nerd that I am. Stay tuned for the first Star Trek movie review. That will also be the first time i'll see the original crew live.
Oh, and one more thing. The cast. I think it won't be an exaggeration to say i knew every damn face there except for the Kirk guy. Hell of a small-timers cast!
тут на дайри стартрековцев много
насколько я поняла ситуасьон, нерд - это последняя инстанция. т.е. гики "круче" в том смысле, что еще не совсем потеряны для общества
Качаю их первую киношку. Если понравится - попробую разыскать сериал, хотя вряд ли буду все подряд смотреть - но с пятого на десятое гляну
еномен Закари мной до сих пор не разгадан, честно, тех кому он не нравится - единицы
харизьма! и креативность. на его офиц. сайте была? раздел видео - ваще (особенно Hostage и Bordeaux)!
На дайри-сообществе каждый день ПЧ прирастали в геометрической прогрессии. А сколько там пишут, а сколько рисуют!
схожу, гляну
хотя в области сайнс-фикшн из меня прет только жестокий мэрисьюизм. лучше мне не лезть к приличным людям))
totally dude! )))
*шепотом* "Заложница" все-таки