Особенно понравился вот этот пассаж:
Buffy is the balance of the influences of Angel and Spike. Angel and Spike are two sides of the same coin, but they're opposing forces.
Angel is doom. Spike is hope. Angel is cryptic in communicating with Buffy. Spike is candid, even too forthright. Angel is manipulating Buffy to make her change. Spike works to inspire Buffy to make her change (Touched). Angel is working through negative reinforcement. Spike works with Buffy through positive reinforcement (as Buffy does with Spike once he has a soul). Angel is seeking to restore the old status quo of only one slayer. Spike is a figure who upsets the status quo. Angel is a figure influenced by outward forces - The Powers that Be, his gypsy curse, W&H, the Shanshu prophecy - things are done to him. Spike is a figure influenced by inward forces - his heart and will inspire him to fight for his soul, to change himself. Angel is ruled by the mind. Spike is ruled by the heart. Angel is more institutional. Spike is more rogue. Angel is more calculating. Spike is more spontaneous. Angel is global and "big picture". Spike is personal and "intimate connection". Angel closed Buffy's heart. Spike helped to heal her heart - "I want the fire back" juxtaposed with the flaming hands of Chosen. Angel's greatest act of love: sacrificing his friends well-being to give Connor a happy life in Home (he’s willing to sacrifice himself too, but he goes even further in sacrificing others in the name of love, or should I say regresses…). Spike's greatest acts of love: sacrificing himself in Chosen (arguably also fighting to earn back his soul was one of his greatest acts of love).
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