Как я их, а? Отлетают, только свист стоит.
Соплей мало. Всех ровным слоем размазывают по стеночке. Пока не трогали только Cuddy, чувствую, ее звездный час еще впереди.
Foreman - the team refuses to recognise his authority; Cuddy offers him a permanent position as the department head and just as he wants to accept it, she practically tells him it was a joke; no more visible to the naked eye grooming from House, instead - hilarity and mocking - err, hilarity with the mocking
Chase - most of the time House continues to treat him like crap, he takes it all; then this mitake thingy; then Cameron
Cameron - suppresses her schoolgirl crush; has to watch House swoon over his ex; danger of catching HIV; overall gradual reducing of fluffiness
Wilson - miserable marriage, cheating all around - if not de facto then in thought. i could see him pairing up with Cameron, btw; pity never gonna happen
House/ex - well, duh
- 2.08 The Mistake
- 2.10 Failure To Communicate
- 2.11 Need To Know
Latest fave qoute
I know you're in there. I can hear you caring
That's how you get someone hooked, people. You put in enough drama and personal stuff in bits and pieces *inside* the episode and you keep me wanting to see how THAT develops. Take that, DeKnight.