источник - imdb
Q: Why wasn't another Slayer called after Buffy died in "The Gift"?
A: Again, this one is from Joss. When Buffy died in season 1, her replacement was called (Kendra), so the Slayer line no longer moved through her, it moved through Faith. By the time Buffy died in season 5, whatever power activates new Slayers no longer recognized her. From that point, another Slayer would not have been called unless Faith died.
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Да и вообще, тут - www . imdb . com / title / tt0118276 / faq - очень много всяких goodies. Например, оказывается, the preferred theory about Cecily/Halfrek is that Halfrek was actually posing as Cecily for a vengeance assignment. Cool. Еще есть две одинаково хорошие теории для объяснения Аниной фобии кроликов. Прикольно почитать, оч интересно for us Buffy-maniacs